Procedure for Filing Revised TDS Return If you find any mistake in filling of the eTDS or want to make any modifications like changing the name, address, challan serial no., BSR code, challan tender date, etc, you can correct your form in simple steps. However, before going through the steps, there is something you should know: Update deductor details such as Name, Address of Deductor. This type of correction is known as C1 Update challan details such as challan serial no., BSR code, challan tender date, challan amounts etc. This type of correction is known as C2. Update/delete /add deductee details. This type of correction is known as C3. Add/delete salary detail records. This type of correction is known as C4. Update PAN of the deductee or employee in deductee/salary details. This type of correction is known as C5. Add a new challan and underlying deductees. This type of correction is known as C9. Cancel accepted statement. This type of correction is known as Y. Cancellati...